
“The Wild Underground Extreme of Human Rights and Ecological Activities”: Czechoslovak, Czech and Slovenian Hardcore Punk Fanzine Cultures from the 1980s to the Present

Almer, Jiří

This article compares Czechoslovak, Czech and Slovenian hardcore punk fanzine scenes from the 1980s up to the present, emphasising in particular their connections to the various anti-authoritarian movements with which they share the common idea of do-it-yourself (DIY). The comparison is embodied in the histories of above-mentioned scenes and in the context of their legacies. Fanzines are the author’s main sources mainly because cultural and political activities were connected on their pages.

Places of Revolt: Geographical References in the Slovak Anarchist Press Around the Turn of the Millennium

Daniel, Ondřej

Geographical references likely played a crucial role in shaping the worldview of Slovakia’s anti-globalisation activists. The aim of this study is to provide a classification of geographical categories based on how they operate in the anti-globalisation activist press.

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