
Kolektivizace venkova v historiografii - dosavadní přístupy k tématu

Urban, Jiří

The author discusses the development of historiography on the topic of rural collectivisation. He presents a critical literature research evaluating the approaches, and the benefits as well as limitations of the existing historiographic production related to the collectivisation of agriculture in communist countries.

Kolektivizace v NDR (1945 - 1961). Cesta do chudoby?

Soběhart, Radek
Novotný, Lukáš

The aim of study is an analysis of collectivization in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in fifties of the 20th century. On the basis of the new institutional economics and the theory of public choice text defines new questions during the research of efficiency of agriculture in the context of centrally planned economy. New institutional economics is concerned with the role of formal and informal institutions during human decision making, expectations and motivation.

Nútená kolektivizácia poľnohospodárstva v Maďarsku v rokoch 1948 - 1961

Ö. Kovács, József

One of the most comprehensive social operations in the process of Sovietisation was the liquidation of the traditional peasant society. The individual peasant farmers, the organisations and church communities of rural society represented a political counter-base in the path of the communist programme. The land and the people could only be collectivised through the use of terror. The "collective farms" created in the first wave of collectivization were a failure for the programme of Sovietisation.

Slovenský roľník v 20. storočí

Slavkovský, Peter

In the 20th century, Slovak peasants underwent radical changes in their lifestyles, as they were forced to cope, during a historically short period, not only with the residues of feudalism in the Slovak countryside while seeking some perspectives for their life strategies, but also with the problems of modernisation, including in the European Union context at the end of the 20th century.

Vidiecki komunisti ako aktéri a obete nútenej kolektivizácie

Zavacká, Marína

Analysing the developments in the rural communist cells in the 1950s in north-eastern Slovakia, this study challenges the still prevalent dichotomous picture of "the peasants" and "the communists" as two separate entities in the process of forced collectivisation.

Fenomén "kulaka" v procese kolektivizácie na Slovensku v rokoch 1949 - 1960

Hlavová, Viera

After the coup d'etat of February 1948 the ruling Communist party of Czechoslovakia began to implement its ideas of agricultural policy using all accessible means. The process of collectivisation, which took place during 1949 – 1960, was meant to contribute to the reconstruction and modernisation of agriculture, but in the end it destroyed the social and cultural background of village society and disrupted all its traditional systems of values. It was forced on the peasants from above, without their consent.

Kolektivizace zemědělství v Československu v letech 1948 - 1960

Pernes, Jiří

After its resurgence from the Moscow exile in 1945, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPS) adopted the image of a party representing not only the labourers but the whole working class. The CPS worked towards gaining the support of Czechoslovak farmers with promises of new land reform, law guaranteed collectivization of land up to 50 hectares and more legislative measures to make their lives easier. However, the most significant was the promise of no kolkhozes – no equivalent of soviet agriculture.

(De)formovanie vidieka v procese kolektivizácie

Fiamová, Martina

The prevalence of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in February 1948 brought great changes to the entire Czechoslovak society. The state's subordination of a major portion of the population – farmers – was affected with the violent implementation of the Soviet collectivization model in domestic economic conditions. With its implementation, the communist regime managed to reconstruct the whole of rural society within few years in a manner that was unprecedented in national history.

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