
K usadzovaniu šľachty v Levoči v polovici 16. storočia

Žifčák, František

In the paper, the author considers the nobility of Levoča (Lőcse, Leutschau, Leutsovia); nobility settled down in the town in the 16th century partially under pressure from the Ottoman invasion. In particular, it describes how Serédi Gáspár, a captain of Upper Hungary and a senior military officer of Ferdinand I. Hapsburg, obtained a house in Levoča. His name is mentioned in a town tax book from 1551; however, he was the owner of the house as early as 1550. After his death, this house was obtained by Peter Fügedi, a royal servant of Serédi Gáspár.

Kežmarok a Zápoľskí

Kucharská, Veronika

The author deals with the relationship of the significant noble family of Zápolyas (Zápoľský, Szapolyai) with the town of Kežmarok (Késmárk, Käsmark). She considers the period when the town was administrated by Emeric and Stephen Zápolya, Stephen's widow, Hedwig of Cieszyn, and, for a short period, John Zápolya. They started to administer Kežmarok before 1464, when they were ordered by the king to build a castle beneath the Tatras. The Zápolya family began to build the castle in the town. Later, there were conflicts between the burghers and castellan of Zápolya castle.

Postavenie dedinskej šľachty na Spiši

Kollárová, Zuzana

The article provides a list of members and a developmental description of the Máriássy nobility family in Spiš (Szepes, Zips), especially two of its branches that resided in Batizovce (Batiszfalva, Botsdorf) and Markušovce (Markusfalva, Marksdorf). The oldest family member Batyz, who founded Batizovce on territory given to him by royal donation, is mentioned in 1264. Other family members also acquired royal benefits for their military service. The majority of the family belonged to the Lutheran Church; Batizovce became the centre of Lutheran life in Spiš thanks to Máriássy patronage.

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