
Bratislava pred 730 rokmi

Ako vyzerala Bratislava v čase, keď sa stala slobodným kráľovským mestom? Presne 2. decembra 1291 jej uhorský kráľ Ondrej III. udelil mestské práva. Je to vôbec prvý známy mestský dokument a patrí medzi najdôležitejšie písomné dokumenty späté s históriou Bratislavy. Znamená to, že má Bratislava “len” 730 rokov? (Rande s mestom) Hostka Žofia Lysá. Premiéra 1.12.2021

Ako sa zrodilo národné divadlo

Ako sa teda zrodilo Mestské divadlo v starom Prešporku, z ktorého sa neskôr súhrou dejinných udalostí stalo divadlo slovenské a národné? A čím žilo toto mesto na konci 19. storočia, keď nanovo budovalo svoje sebavedomie? Jaro Valent sa za starou Bratislavou poohliadol s muzikologičkou Janou Laslavíkovou z Historického ústavu SAV. (SME) Premiéra 11.4.2021

Bratislava – zlaté časy mesta

Populárno-náučná diskusia o objavovaní zlomových okamihov našich dejín. Hostkou bola Ingrid Kušniráková. Premiéra 22.2.2021

Bratislava (ne)plánované mesto

Bratislava (ne)plánované mesto. Diskusia o knihe. Hosťami boli Henrieta Moravčíková a Peter Szalay. Premiéra 22.2.2021

Neoliberalizmus ako ideológia, reálny neoliberalizmus a mesto: prípad Bratislava

Šuška, Pavel

Neoliberalism represents a key word for thinking about the dynamics of capitalism since the 70´s and can be used as an analytical tool that allows linking discussions of global economic changes to transformations at local scales. The key tenets of neoliberal ideology are discussed in the present study, including the fundamental reconceptualization of the position and the role of the state, as well as general aspects of actual executions of ideologically inspired and legitimized institutional and regulatory restructuring (neoliberalization).

Najstarší patriciát v stredovekej Bratislave: šľachtici alebo mešťania?

Šedivý, Juraj

The oldest preserved seal of the Pressburg Burghers is attached to a charter from 1302; the words SIGILLVM CIVIVM IN PRESPVRCH can be seen in its circular inscription. The seal was probably made in the second half of the 13th century and provides evidence of a common identity of the burgher community. However, who were these "cives" mentioned in the inscription when this seal was made? From which social classes did the town political elite arise that made crucial decisions on behalf of the entire community around 1300?

Jazyková a etnická pluralita v stredovekom Prešporku/Bratislave - stredoveká realita alebo moderný obraz?

Šedivý, Juraj

Ethnic and linguistic plurality was typical for Bratislava inhabitants in the period between the two world wars. Was this plurality valid also for the inhabitants of medieval Pressburg? The majority of Slovak medievalists support the model of "gradual ethnic plurality"- at the beginning at Slovak extramural settlements Hungarian guard settlements started to be formed in the 10th century, in the 12th century German and Romance-speaking settlers came and the German speakers had Germanized emerging towns in Upper Hungary since the 13th century.

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