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Staging Crisis: Political Cabarets in the Early 1930s Vienna and Budapest

Bagdi, Sára

The present paper deals with the social context of political cabarets performed in Vienna and Budapest during the interwar period. These cabarets were staged by the Vienna-based Die Sozialistische Veranstaltungsgruppe (Socialist Event Group) (1926–1933) and Barátság (Friendship), the official speaking choir of the Hungarian Metalworkers’ Federation. Both worked in close collaboration with the Social Democratic Party, engaging in political activities like supporting election campaign. Cabarets also provided Barátság the opportunity to bring in unconventional or sensitive subjects.

Political Socialization in Carniola: The Case of the Women’s and Labour Movements and the Relationship between the Public and the Political

Selišnik, Irena

The present article details two public movements in Carniola, on behalf of women and for labour, as well as the course of the transformation of the public and political space at the turn the 20th century. The question of the key factors that contributed to the success of these movements is addressed, with answers sought in the context of the resource mobilization theory. The primary focus of interest is relevant successful organisational models and particularly, the mobilization and political socialization of the membership of these movements.

Strana mladých, indiferentních a nezaměstnaných? Proměny členské základny meziválečné KSČ

Rákosník, Jakub

The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KPC), established in 1921, was one of the most powerful parties around the world during the interwar period. Although a high degree of fluctuation was typical for its membership, its electoral support was quite stable. The article is concerned with a critical interpretation of the following questions: First: The rhetoric of communist propaganda emphasized the symbolic youth of the collectivist new world order proposed by the Marxist-Leninist ideology, and the party organizational tactics were aimed towards the recruitment of young members.

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