
Umelecké Košice po Trianone

Košice sa stali súčasťou ČSR až dva mesiace po jeho vyhlásení, vstupom československých vojakov do mesta. Vtedajšia maďarská vláda robila všetko preto, aby ostalo mesto súčasťou nového Maďarska. Dnes hrá jeho pripojenie k novej republike kľúčovú úlohu v udržiavaní trianonskej traumy. Košická umelecká a kultúrna verejnosť bola hlavným strojcom uhorského a neskôr československého charakteru mesta. Ako vyzerali tieto vzťahy po Trianone, na čo košické umenie nadviazalo z čias monarchie a ako sa vysporiadalo s Trianonom?

Personálna kontinuita politickej elity v Košiciach po Viedenskej arbitráži

Szeghy-Gayer, Veronika

The Vienna Arbitration and coup d´état in 1938 resulted in changes in the make-up of the local political elite in towns ceded to Hungary. This study aims to answer the following questions that have scarcely been discussed so far:
- What role was played by the local Hungarian elite who were active in the minority policies during the existence of Czechoslovakia after the political changes of 1938?
- Who was granted a membership in the Municipal Committee of Košice and on what grounds?
- What was the diplomatic history of the new political elite of the municipality?

Bývanie v mestskom dome Košíc v druhej polovici 19. storočia: medzi pohodlím a reprezentáciou

Labudová, Zuzana

Similar to other cities that had removed the limitations of the city wall system, there was a development of urban life in the second half of the 19th century in Košice. The middle and upper-middle burgess classes inhabited multiflat houses that were developed with a rational organisation and were functionally divided into presentation and service rooms.

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