
Antikomunistický odboj v Poľsku v rokoch 1944 - 1947: Banditi alebo hrdinovia?

Mikołajczyk, Marek

The purpose of the article is to present the fate of the so-called "indomitable" soldiers [żołnierze wyklęci] and their myth, cultivated from 1989 onwards. In 1945, these soldiers, refusing to accept new orders in a country led by communists supported by the USSR, decided to continue the fight. At the end of the war there were 120,000-180,000 of them out of which 13,000-17,000 fought in partisan units. Two years later, there were only about 2,000 of them left. They represented different social groups and attitudes.

O nenormalizovaní komunizmu

Vezenkov, Alexander

During the recent years, we have witnessed an ever-growing nostalgia towards state socialism as well as continuing attempts to normalize the communist regime. The article examines one of the reactions to this phenomenon, namely the attempts to create an anti-communist grand narrative in historiography and the intrinsic contradictions of this endeavor. It demonstrates that, to a large extent, the new anti-communist canon uses explanatory models and rhetorical techniques borrowed from the communist historiography itself.

Léčba nemoci a splácení dluhu. KSČM a ÚSTR v diskurzu českého antikomunismu

Slačálek, Ondřej

The study makes use of Pierre Nora's concept lieux de memoire with the aim of analyzing contemporary Czech anti-communism. It focuses on characteristics, which are in this discourse attributed to the Communist Party (the abolition of which the anti-communists strive for) and to the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes (the creation of which they successfully pushed through).

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