Československo 1918 - 1939

The Fight for the “Modern Peculiar Character.” The Nationalist Narrative Within the Concept of Applied Art Modernization Reform in 1920’s Slovakia

Seneši Lutherová, Silvia

A significant portion of the theoretical discourse on modernization reform of applied art and design in Slovakia led by the cultural and political elite in the 1920s was based on the ideological framework of “national culture.” In journal articles, leading proponents of the reform, Josef Vydra and Antonín Hořejš, constructed the concept of “modern national applied art,” which they defined based on an objective, perceived quality: “national specificity” or a “character of national culture,” which they eventually came to label “modern peculiar character” (Vydra).

103. výročie vzniku prvého Československa

Vo štvrtok si pripomíname 103. výročie vzniku Československa. Tento rok je výnimočný tým, že deň vyhlásenia prvej republiky oslavujeme po prvý raz ako štátny sviatok. 28. októbra 1918, vznikla československá republika, štát, v ktorom Česi, Slováci a ďalšie národnosti žili s prestávkou počas vojny, až do konca roku 1992. O vzniku Československa sme sa rozprávali s historikom Michalom Kšiňanom zo Slovenskej Akadémie vied. (TA3) Premiéra 28.10.2021

Keď monarchie padli. Aká bola nová Európa po prvej svetovej vojne?

Koncom roka 1918 sa na mape strednej Európy objavilo viacero nových štátov – medzi nimi aj stále formujúce sa Československo a na sever od našich hraníc za ešte dramatickejších okolností aj nový Poľský štát. (Zdroj: SME) Hosťom bol Michal Kšiňan. Premiéra 16.8.2020

Diktatúrou k demokracii? Ako Vavro Šrobár ovládol Slovensko

V správny čas na správnom mieste – takto by sa dala zjednodušene charakterizovať politická úloha Vavra Šrobára v kľúčových dňoch roku 1918, keď sa rodilo Československo. Tento odhodlaný a húževnatý muž sa objavil v Prahe v pamätný 28. október, teda presne v momente, keď sa vyhlasovala republika a okamžite sa stal jednou z jej tvárí. A bol to znova Vavro Šrobár, kto tvrdo a nekompromisne na Slovensku zavádzal československú správu a dokázal spolu s prichádzajúcimi československými legionármi vytlačiť maďarské vojská. (Zdroj SME) Hosťom bol Matej Hanula. Premiéra 7.6.2020

Podiel významných historických udalostí na formovaní štátnej ideológie na Slovensku v období predmníchovskej ČSR

Olejník, Milan

Momentous historical events have a great importance upon formation of national ideology regardless of political and social character of society. This is especially true for events, which, in a significant matter, contributed to formation of independent new states. The submitted paper is devoted to genesis of commemoration and celebration of happenings leading to foundation of Czechoslovakian Republic and to the their impact upon the official ideology of Czechoslovakian state.

Maďarská (politická) elita v medzivojnovom Československu - náčrt témy

Simon, Attila

This study is the first attempt to outline the specific characteristics of the Hungarian national minority´s political elite, the congressmen and senators of the National Assembly, in the first Czechoslovak Republic. The first part of the article focuses on the basic features of the contemporary Hungarian political elite in Slovakia; the place of origin, profession, place of residence, age, political affinities etc. of the Hungarian MPs.

Inštitucionálne predpoklady vývoja vedy na Slovensku po roku 1918

Hollý, Karol

Scholar activities within the Slovak national-scientific society before 1918 are often characterized as amateurish and rather enthusiastic. This evaluation is quite right while one of main reasons is to be seen in an absence of any institutional background, inevitable for professionalization as well as specialization of individual scientific activities of the Slovak intellectual elite.

Zdravotno-hygienické pomery mesta Prešov v medzivojnovom období

Kovaľ, Peter

During the interwar period, the town of Prešov was responsible for the provision of medical care to the whole of the Šariš region. In the 1920s, three hospitals were operating in Prešov – the town's public hospital, the infectious diseases hospital, and the military hospital. In 1935, a brand new Prešov District Public Hospital was put into service. Just like other Slovak cities, Prešov was also affected by a post-war crisis; this became reflected in the welfare of the citizens. Poor social and hygienic conditions caused the spread of all sorts of diseases.

Strana mladých, indiferentních a nezaměstnaných? Proměny členské základny meziválečné KSČ

Rákosník, Jakub

The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KPC), established in 1921, was one of the most powerful parties around the world during the interwar period. Although a high degree of fluctuation was typical for its membership, its electoral support was quite stable. The article is concerned with a critical interpretation of the following questions: First: The rhetoric of communist propaganda emphasized the symbolic youth of the collectivist new world order proposed by the Marxist-Leninist ideology, and the party organizational tactics were aimed towards the recruitment of young members.

Zpátky k plotně? Ženský komunistický tisk a kritika úsporných opatření ve veřejné správě 1932 - 1933

Jahodářová, Lucie

The study focuses on the Great Depression era, when the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) attempted to attract new groups of voters. The study follows the Rozsevačka magazine, a party press journal for women sympathizing with the communist ideals, which paid considerable attention to the issue of austerity measures for women in the Czechoslovak civil service. The austerity measures had a big impact on the lives of women employees in the civil service, and the KSČ attempted to interest them as well as other groups of potential voters.


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