
Premeny a vývoj Štefánikovho svetonázoru

Kšiňan, Michal

The author is using the personality of Milan Rastislav Štefánik to show how secular ideas permeated into Slovak society at the turn of 19th century. Štefánik came from a family of an evangelic priest and until his university studies in Prague, he was a devout believer. However, in the Czech metropolis, he met new modern views on faith and religion which were in stark contrast with his traditional perception of the role of the Church and creed. An important turning point stemmed from this and he decided to devote himself to science and astronomy.

Zákon o manželskom práve a parlamentné rozpravy v Uhorsku v roku 1894

Maliniaková, Erika

We situated our research in the second half of the 19th century. In stated time we observe the change in character of religious experience and sentiment. Since it is not possible to encompass all factors, which secularised Hungarian society within one article, and we focused on one significant step, which changed the legislation and nature of marital relationships. 1894 was marked by turbulent voting in the Hungarian parliament about issues of civil marriage.

Sociálny katolicizmus a sekularizácia

Štofaník, Jakub

The article examines the Catholic answer to such modern challenges such as industrialisation, urban sprawl, the accelerated growth of the working class and migrations in the territory of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century. From the perspective of Social Catholicism, which is understood primarily as a collective social practice present in society in various forms, the article contributes to the debate around the secularisation thesis and the role of religion in modern society.

Občianske zrovnoprávnenie alebo náboženský indiferentizmus? Problém zmiešaných manželstiev v kontexte sekularizácie Uhorska v 30. a 40. rokoch 19. storočia

Šoltés, Peter

The issue of mixed marriages has been a source of tension and conflict since the period of Josephinism not only between the Catholic Church and the Protestant denominations but it also complicated the relationship of the State and the Church. Civil standards that governed the mixed marriage and childrearing in it did not meet the requirements of either side. They were in violation of the canon law of the Catholic Church and the Protestant side in disadvantage in terms of the religious education of children.

Obnova náboženských rádov v Uhorsku po smrti Jozefa II. a ich vyrovnávanie sa s dôsledkami sekularizácie

Kušniráková, Ingrid

The decision of Francis II. to restitute the Benedictine, Cistercian and Premonstratensian orders in Hungary in 1802 does not constitute a turn in ecclesiastical politics of the Viennese court, but a continuation of secularisation trends of the last third of the 18th century.

Cesty sekularizácie v "dlhom" 19. storočí (Úvod)

Kšiňan, Michal
Šoltés, Peter

In historiography, there are exceedingly contradictory evaluations of the "long 19th century" with regard to the development of religiosity, the relationship between the state and the churches as well as mutual relations between individual religious communities. Was it the most ecclesiastical century or did the French Revolution began an unstoppable process of retreat of religion from the "theatre" of history? Can we agree with the opinion that the 19th century brought about the onset of the second confessionalisation in Europe?

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