
Prokremeľská propaganda

Prokremeľská propaganda – ako funguje a prečo ruských agentov zaujíma Slovensko? Dôverou v konšpirácie vytvárame živnú pôdu pre propagandu, pomáhajú tomu aj niektorí politici. Ako ju človek rozozná a ako sa jej brániť? Hostky: Katarína Klingová, výskumná pracovníčka GLOBSEC; Marína Zavacká, historička. (RTVS) Premiéra 29.4.2021

Conspiracy Theories and Rumours as Key Elements of Political Propaganda: The Cold War in the USA and Czechoslovakia in the 1950s

Panczová, Zuzana

Rumours and hearsay can be important communication devices in civil society. Their influence tends to intensify in times of social crises and long-term conflict, which then can function as a test of trust in official authorities. The Cold War took place in an almost apocalyptic atmosphere fearing the outbreak of a fatal nuclear conflict. On both sides, combat was waged not only in the fields of armaments, economics or technology, but also on a psychological level, as a way to gain the trust and sympathy of citizens.

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Hostkou bola Marína Zavacká. Premiéra 2.11.2020

Kto sú naši hrdinovia?

Medzi oslavovanými hrdinami našich dejín sú aj problematické osobnosti a nie je medzi nimi žiadna žena. Kto sú naši dnešní hrdinovia a čo prinášajú do našich životov? Dnes v Silnej zostave s moderátorkou Oľgou Bakovou diskutujú historička Marína Zavacká, filmová producentka Barbara Janišová Feglová, profesorka psychológie Jana Plichtová a študentka Valentína Sedileková.(Zdroj RTVS) Premiéra 9.3.2020

Italy’s Great Power Strategies in Central-Eastern Europe Between the World Wars: Cultural Institutions and Political Propaganda

Santoro, Stefano

This article addresses the issue of Italian penetration in Central-Eastern Europe in the interwar period, paying particular attention to the case of Czechoslovakia and covering primarily the tools used by Italy to assert its influence among the “heir countries” of the Habsburg Empire. Among these instruments, the article aims to highlight the importance of culture and propaganda, which alongside politics and economics, allowed Italy to compete with the other great powers for hegemony in Central-Eastern Europe.

Propaganda in the Slovak - Hungarian Relationship 1938 - 1945

Hetényi, Martin

Both regimes, Hungarian and also Slovak produced in years 1938-1945 huge propaganda campaigns. Main protagonists were state authorities. They were also creators of detail ideas of the matter, whether truthful or deceitful. Opinions of population of Slovak-Hungarian border-line were strongly affected by the fact that they were neighbouring with the country honoured as their home land. Hungarian propaganda helped to consolidate that Hungary is close not as a zone but also spiritually. The processs happened on the other side too and it caused intensive propaganda´s fights.

Zdivočelí rodáci: Jak (ne)zobrazovat nástup KSČ k moci

Daniel, Ondřej
Lomíček, Jan

In this study we aim to present a comparison of historical topics displayed in two Czech TV series Rodáci (The Natives, made in 1988) and Zdivočelá země (The Feral Country, filmed from 1997). We focus on period of 1945-1948 they both presented and compare similarities and differences in the two ideological narratives before and after political change of 1989.

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