
Prijatie kresťanstva na poľskom, českom a uhorskom území v 9. - 11. storočí. Podobnosti a rozdiely v prijímaní kresťanstva a vo vytváraní vyššej cirkevnej správy

Kiss Gergely Bálint

The present paper studies and compares the beginnings of the Bohemian (Moravian), Polish and Hungarian Christianity. From the above-mentioned peoples Christianity must have reached the Bohemians (Moravians) and the Hungarians as a result of the missionary activity supported first by the Carolingian empire, and after its fall by the Eastern Frankish Kingdom. With the Bohemians (Moravians) it meant direct contact and conversion, however, the Hungarians were only indirectly influenced by Christianity (with the occupation of the Carpathian basin).

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