
K otázke etnického pôvodu veľmožského rodu Hont-Poznanovcov

Lukačka, Ján

Research of the oldest aristocratic clans in Hungary encounters several difficulties. Sources of the period until as late as the 12th century usually noted only names of nobles without any mention of their family affiliation, nor any other genealogical relation, such as father or grandfather. Therefore, genealogical trees of most Hungarian aristocratic families can be put together only from the 13th century. However, there are some exceptions, such as the Hont-Poznans, an exceptional family that is written into the early medieval history of Hungary.

Spoločenské postavenie servitorov a možnosti ich uplatnenia v západnom Zadunajsku v 16.- 17. storočí

Varga, János J.

The period after the battle of Mohács saw significant migration movements from southern towards northern and north-western parts of the country. The research is delimited to the area bounded by the newly formed border - approximately in the line of the counties of Zala, Veszprém (Weißbrunn) and Komárom (Komorn). Areas behind this line served as a basis for recruitment of new effective troops for the battles against the Ottomans. Landlords in order to be able do protect their property and at the same time to fulfil their duty to defend the country, organised their own armies.

Všedný a sviatočný deň v živote stredovekého šľachtica v neskorom stredoveku

Dvořáková, Daniela

The church or liturgical calendar was the crucial factor that influenced differentiation between everyday and festive days in the whole Christian Europe. Religious service divided a day into separate sections; feasts of the church did the same within a year. The church calendar has an ultimate influence on the way how medieval men would spend their days.

"Jednousadlostný šľachtic". K objasneniu stredovekého pojmu

Neumann, Tibor

Medieval nobility of Hungary comprised about 4 to 5% of the country's total population. From the great part it was represented by lesser nobles with modest property. Among lesser nobles prevailed nobiles unius sessionis, i. e. nobles possessing only one "session" - piece of land. This group is often mistakenly considered as a separate social group and at the same time the lowest strata of nobility. From that reason they are frequently characterised as impecunious, poor or peasant nobles.

Vznik šľachty v stredovekom Uhorskom kráľovstve

Zsoldos, Attila

The paper analyzes formation of nobility as an independent social group in the early Hungarian kingdom. The first mention of the term "noble" (nobilis) appears in the sources of Hungarian origin in the Law 3 of the king Ladislas I. Persons designated in the contemporary society as nobles were people born into upper class and wealthy families, forming a group which would be nowadays termed "aristocracy". The appearance of the term "noble" is connected with social changes in the 70´s of the 11th century, when a group of extra privileged was extolled from previously compact group of freemen.

Prijatie kresťanstva na poľskom, českom a uhorskom území v 9. - 11. storočí. Podobnosti a rozdiely v prijímaní kresťanstva a vo vytváraní vyššej cirkevnej správy

Kiss Gergely Bálint

The present paper studies and compares the beginnings of the Bohemian (Moravian), Polish and Hungarian Christianity. From the above-mentioned peoples Christianity must have reached the Bohemians (Moravians) and the Hungarians as a result of the missionary activity supported first by the Carolingian empire, and after its fall by the Eastern Frankish Kingdom. With the Bohemians (Moravians) it meant direct contact and conversion, however, the Hungarians were only indirectly influenced by Christianity (with the occupation of the Carpathian basin).

Interpretácia husitských vojen v slovenskej historiografii v druhej polovici 20. storočia

Meľnikov, Georgij P.

This study deals with changes and reversals in Hussite Wars´ interpretations which have been presented by the Slovak historiography since the 1960s until now. The Hussite Wars and their influence have been one of the most important topics of both Czech and Slovak national histories, either based on a nationalistic or class viewpoint. These wars were incorporated in both socialistic and nationalistic narrative.

Kráľovstvo, monarchia alebo štát? K otázke používania konceptu štátu v ranom stredoveku

Hudáček, Pavol

When you mention "a medieval state" these days, it kindles some interest only in very few people. It is considered a self-evident fact a state was a completely normal part of our human history since time immemorial. The main reason why the term state is now commonly used also for the Early Middle Ages is the idea that today's modern states simply evolved from the ancient times. Historians, too, refer to a medieval political formation as State. They rarely, however, ask what is actually State when writing about political formations from the past.

Korupcia v stredoveku a ranom novoveku

Szeghyová, Blanka

Perspectives of what is corruption have been changing with the development of the society and according to the shifts of its values. The study examines not only activities that were considered morally wrong and corrupted in the middle ages and early modern period, but also those forms of behaviour that started to be generally considered corrupted only later. Anachronistic as this approach might seem, it gives us better insight into the slow process of changing attitudes towards some forms of corruption.


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