1/2025: Antifeminist Discourse in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Forms, Arguments, and Impact in East Central Europe

Antifeminist Discourse in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Forms, Arguments, and Impact in East Central Europe
Eva Škorvanková, Gabriela Dudeková Kováčová

The aim of this issue is to shed light on antifeminism as an ideological and institutional opposition that defines itself against efforts for women’s emancipation in society, as promoted by various streams of the women’s movement. Antifeminist critique not only targeted various women’s groups and their representatives but also aimed to roll back changes in the patriarchal system resulting from the process of modernization during the 19th century. Women’s movements and feminisms are seen as important manifestations and drivers of social change. However, paradoxically, a more detailed analysis of their counterpart, the antifeminist discourse, and its impact, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, is still lacking.
We welcome studies exploring the interconnections and linkages between antifeminist and feminist arguments, as well as the transfer of argumentation patterns from Western Europe to Central and Eastern Europe. A comparative approach tracing the development of antifeminist discourse and its impact chronologically in a particular country or region, or highlighting differences and specificities in arguments and practices between Western Europe or North America on one hand and Eastern and Central Europe on the other, is encouraged. It is also valuable to chart changes in antifeminist discourse as well as its social base.

The preferred topics may include, but are not limited to:

• Methodological and theoretical approaches: antifeminism as a counterpoint to feminist discourses and their interconnection; specificities and differences in Western and Eastern Europe.
• Antifeminist discourse and society: the actors, institutional base, forms and arguments, the impact of antifeminist movements and groups.
• From political antifeminism to a popular movement, the problem of radicalisation and politicisation of popular antifeminism.
• Women’s entry into politics and its opponents: antifeminist arguments in 20th century politics and political ideologies.
• Antifeminism directed against higher education and women’s professional realization: campaigns against women’s education and professional realization.
• Motherhood, female sexuality and population politics: antifeminist critiques of changes in reproductive behaviour and rights.
• Antifeminism in the context of authoritarian and democratic regimes.

Termín odovzdania: 
31 October 2024

Language: English
Length: 15 to 30 standard pages (1800 characters per page)
Style: submissions must follow the “Style Manual for the Authors” (Manuscripts that do not comply will be rejected or returned upon receiving for correction).
The articles will be published after a double-blind peer-review process.

Submit manuscripts in MS Word format (.rtf, .doc or .docx) via Submission form.

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