
Educational Awareness and Educating the Socially Disadvantaged During the Great Depression

Orosová, Martina

Educational activities were an important part of the cultural policy of the First Czechoslovak Republic. They were carried out within the scope of four laws aimed at organizing civic education courses, establishing public municipal libraries, setting up municipal chronicles and civilian military education. These activities existed under the authority of the Ministry of Education and National Edification in Prague, which delegated some of their competences to the Department of the Ministry of Education and National Edification in Bratislava.

Social Situation and Political Conflict of University and College Students in Slovakia in the 30's of the 20th century

Černák, Tomáš

The study focuses on the social situation at Slovak university in the 30's of the 20th century, and especially the question of how academics, namely active functionaries of student associations, tried to solve this complex and complicated issue themselves. Poor social status in academic circles, high tuition fees or accommodation costs, its planned increase, the lack of accommodation facilities and few possibilities for getting a job after graduation, were all factors that influenced the growth of discontent among the university student population and in some cases led to radicalism.

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