
Communists as the Heirs of Capitalism? The Dynamic Politicization of Zlín/Gottwaldov Post 1945

Kaška, Václav

This study deals with the factory town of Zlín in the former Czechoslovakia after 1945, when communists replace Baťa management in the governing bodies of both the company and the municipality. Based on an analysis of regional and central provenance archival materials and contemporary press, and through discursive-historical analyses and considering the perspective of the actors involved, the present study identifies: 1) four informal regional groups of communist elites and 2) two dominant narrative strategies (re)produced by these factions.

An Unequal Alliance: Social Scientists as Experts in Socialist Czechoslovakia

Sommer, Vítězslav

This article examines the role of social scientific expertise in socialist Czechoslovakia. The first section centres on the 1950s, when the new social sciences that helped build the institutions and rules of the new regime were established. The roles of social scientists as experts are analysed during the reform era of the 1960s and the so-called consolidation regime of the 1970s. In the final part of this text, the 1980s are characterised as a period when the unequal alliance of the social sciences and the socialist state fell apart.

Communism, the Future and the Historiography of Contemporary History

Sommer, Vítězslav

The article discusses the relationship between historiography of the contemporary history and the research into the phenomenon iof future in the era of state socialism. The author first briefly introduces the issue of "exploring the Future" and the "politics of the future", pointing to two possible concepts - the future as utopia or a horizon of expectations, and the future as a subject of expertise and governance. These two perspectives are then put into the context of the theory and practice of state-socialist administration of the state and society.

Heavy Industry and its Environmental Impact in Northern Hungary between 1950 and 1980

Pál, Viktor

This article aims to tell the 'pre-history' of the environmental movements in East-Central Europe with a special regard to Hungary and its primary industrial region, the Borsodi Basin in the Sajó river valley.

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