Calls for Articles

The journal Forum Historiae publishes thematic issues only. The authors should send their submissions only after reading the Call for papers. Submissions that does not correspond with the thematic focus of the issue as outlined in the respective Call for papers will be declined. The manuscripts should be submitted via Submission form in MS Word format (.rtf, .doc or .docx). Submissions must follow the Style Manual for the Authors. Only manuscripts meeting all the formal requirements will be considered for review and publication.

We currently present the following Call(s):

2/2024: Becoming (Un)Political: Facets of Political Socialization in East Central Europe

Issue Editors: 
László Vörös
Submissions deadline: 
31 May 2024

1/2025: Antifeminist Discourse in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Forms, Arguments, and Impact in East Central Europe

Issue Editors: 
Eva Škorvanková, Gabriela Dudeková Kováčová
Submissions deadline: 
31 October 2024

2/2025: Theatre as a Venue and Tool of Social Change in the “Long” 19th Century

Issue Editors: 
Jana Laslavíková
Submissions deadline: 
31 December 2024