
Is the Exiting (by France), from World War I, Over Yet?

Audoin-Rouzeau, Stéphane

To start, the author asks a thought-provoking question – whether France has definitively exited World War I. He defends the methodological approach to exiting the war, which may better render the complexities of the reconciliation of the war experience than the oft-used term the post-war period. He deals with the different amounts of time taken, and especially the persisting grief from the loss of loved ones which carries over into the later generations and in such a way the Great War still seems to be relevant even today.

A Hussite Wars Interpretation in the Slovak Historiography in the Second Half of the 20th Century

Meľnikov, Georgij P.

This study deals with changes and reversals in Hussite Wars´ interpretations which have been presented by the Slovak historiography since the 1960s until now. The Hussite Wars and their influence have been one of the most important topics of both Czech and Slovak national histories, either based on a nationalistic or class viewpoint. These wars were incorporated in both socialistic and nationalistic narrative.

Collectivisation of the countryside in historiography - current approaches to the topic

Urban, Jiří

The author discusses the development of historiography on the topic of rural collectivisation. He presents a critical literature research evaluating the approaches, and the benefits as well as limitations of the existing historiographic production related to the collectivisation of agriculture in communist countries.

Slovak Historiography and Czechoslovak History during the Years 1918–1968

Hudek, Adam

Concept of the Czechoslovak history in its various modifications had without doubt great impact on the forming of the Slovak master narrative. Discussions and reflections about the existence of common Czechoslovak history builds the inseparable part in the development of Slovak historiography. Different Czechoslovakistic concepts were always a result of strictly academic, but also ideological, political, national as well as rational opinions and interests of governments, political parties, interest groups and also individuals.

Advice on the Crisis Course in Medieval Scholastics or an Essay about Medievalists

Šedivý, Juraj

The author of this article notes that there are two groups of medievalists in Slovakia today – "the factographs" and " the annalists". One school usually doesn't recognize outcomes of the other and underrates them. According to the author this is not a correct concept for a historian, but it has attracted his attention as a phenomenon and therefore he examines dualistic and extreme perspectives of medieval historiography.

The Culture of Charity in the Political Elite of 15th and 16th Centuries in Sopron: Unity in Diversity?

Goda, Károly

As an ultimate purpose this study characterizes in the context of the Western Hungarian free royal town of Sopron (in German Ödenburg) the charitable testamentary acts of the members of the local, dominantly German, yet to some extent Hungarian, urban political elite (mayors and town judges) and of their spouses between 1400 and 1600.

What Kind of History Do We Need?

Lipták, Ľubomír

Short historical essay from the one of the most innovative and influential Slovak historian is focused on the Slovak historiography. This text has been published at first time in 1997 and provides authors actual remarks toward attempts to canonize strictly nationalistic narrations of political history of Slovakia. He is criticizing the actual attempts to reconstruct history of Slovakia only as a progress to the national and state independency. The text is dealing with themes like "selection" and "interpretation".

How Svätopluk Sold His Land for a White Horse...: Different Images of Slovaks and Hungarians in Slovak and Hungarian Textbooks Published in the Years 1918 - 1989

Otčenášová, Slávka

This article deals with the mutual images and stereotypes of Slovaks and Hungarians presented in Czechoslovak, Slovak and Hungarian history textbooks published between 1918 – 1989. The textbooks employed the same principles while creating the image of the Self and the Other. In all cases the authors of the textbooks opted for creating a positive image of their own nation by employing images of its cultural and moral superiority, while the Others were characterized as immoral traitors on a lower degree of civilisational development.


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