The Nature of Environmental Thinking and Measures in Slovak Industry from 1918 to1938 (General Condition and Illustrative Examples)

Charakter environmentálneho myslenia a opatrení v priemysle Slovenska 1918 - 1938 (Celkový stav a názorné príklady)

After the collapse of the Habsburg Monarchy, the economy of Slovakia was affected by structural changes in industry that led to the dissolution of dozens of key businesses. Structural changes mostly affected the metallurgy and metalworking industry in Eastern and Central Slovakia. Viable industries included the cellulose and paper industry, building material industry, brown coal mining, magnesite and asbestos mining, the power industry, electrical and technical, rubber or printing industries. The focus of industrial development was moved to the north-west of Slovakia, where construction and expansion of cellulose factories progressed, as well as paper factories, cement mills, and later even engineering, and mostly armament, factories. However, from the point of view of the protection of the environment and landscape, the economic development appears in a completely different light. Regions in East and Central Slovakia got rid of the environmental burden imposed by metallurgy, while North-western Slovakia paid for the economic development by means of the negative influence of the paper industry and cement mills. The impact was far-reaching - also in connection with a low degree of regard for the environment at all levels of life of the society. There was only one role more important than that: the one of trade inspectors who oversaw the work conditions in the enterprises. This study describes the general condition of environmental protection within industry and gives specific examples from various branches, mainly from cellulose and paper, as well as the building material industries.