Culture and the Nation in the Political Thinking of Svetozár Hurban Vajanský: An Analysis of Their Relationship in Chosen Articles f

Kultúra a národ v politickom myslení Svetozára Hurbana Vajanského. Analýza ich vzťahu vo vybraných článkoch Národných novín

This paper brings closer the relationship of the culture and the national existence in the political thinking of Svetozár Hurban Vajanský. The examined material is primary delimited by the articles of S. H. Vajanský in Národné noviny. In the work is analysed the primordialistic and holistic looking of S. H. Vajanský at the existence of the nation and the meaning of the folk culture. In this context is more closely analysed the relationship of the nationally conscious intelligence and the folk as well as the relationship of the nation and the state. In this connection, Vajanský defines and promotes the concept based on the original Štúr´s idea of unity in various things.The ambivalence of the political thinking of Vajanský is shown mainly in the fact that he claims the principle of the organic plurality and the cultural tolerance selectively, only on the outside of the national-emancipatory activities. Within the frame of the Slovak political discursus, he asserts the idea of the programmatic and strategic uniformity, which consequently becomes the source of the cultural and political privilegionalism and isolationism. This fact is in parallel complemented with the reflection of the original acultural meaning of the national elity for the development of the national awareness of the folk. The folk is known in the context of the principle of primordialism and Herder´s romantism as an entity, which is the holder of the cultural merits of the national identity.