Zdravotno-hygienické pomery mesta Prešov v medzivojnovom období

Health Care and Hygiene-related Conditions in Interwar Prešov

During the interwar period, the town of Prešov was responsible for the provision of medical care to the whole of the Šariš region. In the 1920s, three hospitals were operating in Prešov – the town's public hospital, the infectious diseases hospital, and the military hospital. In 1935, a brand new Prešov District Public Hospital was put into service. Just like other Slovak cities, Prešov was also affected by a post-war crisis; this became reflected in the welfare of the citizens. Poor social and hygienic conditions caused the spread of all sorts of diseases. The town's authorities had limited finances, yet still tried to improve medical and hygienic conditions within the town through the enforcement of various rules and regulations, which proved to be effective. This was also why the level of sickness did not significantly increase; on the contrary, both the population growth and birth rates rose. To maintain the relevant level of health care, the main support was provided with town, state or district finance or by private doctors, by nurses, and by the local branch of the Czechoslovak Red Cross.