1/2026: Mobility in the 20th Century – Causes, Processes, Effects

Mobility in the 20th Century – Causes, Processes, Effects
Issue Editors: 
Martina Fiamová, Michal Schvarc

At present, a number of research projects investigate the considerable effects of migration and mobility on the development of Europe in the 20th century. This issue is therefore aimed at the diverse forms of this phenomenon, with its central interests being emigration, immigration, and repatriation and their influence on political, economic, social and cultural transformations in the region. We also hope to explore other forms of migration and mobility, their causes and institutional/legislative frameworks, as well as the roles of the state and the individual in migration movements. In the past century, the European space was shaped not only by forced migration—expulsion and flight—but also by voluntary movements of people, goods, and knowledge. How did they contribute to the development of communities/regions/states, and to what extent did they simultaneously deepen divisions, foster a sense of exclusion, and drive an increase in violence?

The preferred topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Theoretical definitions of terms such as mobility, migration, immigration, repatriation, expulsion, and flight;
- Migration in political, geographic, and social contexts;
- Legal and economic motivations and conditions of mobility;
- Labour mobility, leisure mobility, and mobility in religious and cultural contexts;
- Migrant integration and other state measures; the migrant question in international relations;
- Individual and group strategies in mobility processes; mobility patterns and dynamics;
- Disintegration/evolution of the social, political, cultural, and family spaces;
- Reflections on and experiences of mobility in personal life.

Submissions deadline: 
31 October 2025

Language: English
Length: 15 to 30 standard pages (1800 characters per page)
Style: submissions must follow the “Style Manual for the Authors” (Manuscripts that do not comply will be rejected or returned upon receiving for correction).
The articles will be published after a double-blind peer-review process.

Submit manuscripts in MS Word format (.rtf, .doc or .docx) via the Submission form.

Editors' contacts: michal.schvarc@savba.sk, martina.fiamova@savba.sk
