Electrotechnics Education in Slovakia

Vývoj vzdelávania elektrotechniky na Slovensku

Beginnings of the education in the field of electrotechnics are closely connected with the development of the mining academy in Banská Štiavnica that was founded in 1762. After the Academy had been transformed into the College of Mining and Forestry in the years 1904 and 1905, Department of Physics and Electrotechnics was created. Because of national-political reasons, higher technical schools in Slovakia were abolished after the creation of Czechoslovak republic in 1918. It was only in 1937 that they succeeded in founding the State Technical College in Košice. When Košice temporarily became part of Hungary in 1939 the State Technical College was moved into Bratislava under the name the Slovak Technical College (Slovenská Vysoká Škola Technická). In 1941 an independent Department of Electrotechnical Engineering was created. On the verge of the 50´s the College underwent some reforms. The outcome was creation of Electrotechnical Faculty in 1951. In the 60´s new Electrotechnical faculties at the Technical Colleges in Košice and Žilina were created. All three faculties have educated some thousands electrotechnical engineers and are still successful in their activities.